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Resource ValueSet/FHIR Server from package us.nlm.vsac#0.21.0 (141 ms)

Package us.nlm.vsac
Type ValueSet
Id Id
FHIR Version R4
Source http://fhir.org/packages/us.nlm.vsac/https://vsac.nlm.nih.gov/valueset/2.16.840.1.113762.1.4.1146.741/expansion
Url http://cts.nlm.nih.gov/fhir/ValueSet/2.16.840.1.113762.1.4.1146.741
Version 20230602
Status active
Date 2023-06-02T01:03:51-04:00
Name HepatitisBImmuneGlobulinRXNORM
Title Hepatitis B Immune Globulin (RXNORM)
Experimental False
Realm us
Authority hl7
Description All prescribable medication formulations represented using either a "generic" or "brand-specific" concept. This includes RxNorm codes whose Term Type is SCD (semantic clinical drug), SBD (semantic brand drug), GPCK (generic pack), or BPCK (brand pack). SCDG (semantic clinical drug group), SBDG (semantic brand drug group), SCDF (semantic clinical drug form), IN (ingredient) or SBDF (semantic brand drug form) are NOT included in this value set.
Purpose (Clinical Focus: This set of values contains codes for prescribable medications for Hepatitis B Immune Globulin),(Data Element Scope: medications that were administered, ordered or prescribed.),(Inclusion Criteria: Hepatitis B Immune Globulin),(Exclusion Criteria: none)

Resources that use this resource

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Resources that this resource uses

http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm RxNorm
http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm RxNorm


  "resourceType" : "ValueSet",
  "id" : "2.16.840.1.113762.1.4.1146.741",
  "meta" : {
    "versionId" : "20",
    "lastUpdated" : "2023-12-21T17:43:03.000-05:00",
    "profile" : [
  "extension" : [
      "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-author",
      "valueContactDetail" : {
        "name" : "CSTE Author"
      "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-keyWord",
      "valueString" : "G_Bloodborne,Hepatitis_B,Meds,Trigger"
      "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/resource-lastReviewDate",
      "valueDate" : "2024-06-05"
      "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/valueset-effectiveDate",
      "valueDate" : "2023-06-02"
  "url" : "http://cts.nlm.nih.gov/fhir/ValueSet/2.16.840.1.113762.1.4.1146.741",
  "identifier" : [
      "system" : "urn:ietf:rfc:3986",
      "value" : "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113762.1.4.1146.741"
  "version" : "20230602",
  "name" : "HepatitisBImmuneGlobulinRXNORM",
  "title" : "Hepatitis B Immune Globulin (RXNORM)",
  "status" : "active",
  "date" : "2023-06-02T01:03:51-04:00",
  "publisher" : "CSTE Steward",
  "description" : "All prescribable medication formulations represented using either a \"generic\" or \"brand-specific\" concept. This includes RxNorm codes whose Term Type is SCD (semantic clinical drug), SBD (semantic brand drug), GPCK (generic pack), or BPCK (brand pack).\nSCDG (semantic clinical drug group), SBDG (semantic brand drug group), SCDF (semantic clinical drug form), IN (ingredient) or SBDF (semantic brand drug form) are NOT included in this value set.",
  "jurisdiction" : [
      "coding" : [
          "system" : "urn:iso:std:iso:3166",
          "code" : "US"
  "purpose" : "(Clinical Focus: This set of values contains codes for prescribable medications for Hepatitis B Immune Globulin),(Data Element Scope: medications that were administered, ordered or prescribed.),(Inclusion Criteria: Hepatitis B Immune Globulin),(Exclusion Criteria: none)",
  "compose" : {
    "include" : [
        "system" : "http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm",
        "concept" : [
            "code" : "1658125",
            "display" : "5 ML hepatitis B immune globulin 312 UNT/ML Injection"
            "code" : "1658127",
            "display" : "5 ML hepatitis B immune globulin 312 UNT/ML Injection [Nabi-HB]"
            "code" : "1658147",
            "display" : "1 ML hepatitis B immune globulin 312 UNT/ML Injection"
            "code" : "1658148",
            "display" : "1 ML hepatitis B immune globulin 312 UNT/ML Injection [Nabi-HB]"
            "code" : "1658159",
            "display" : "1 ML hepatitis B immune globulin 312 UNT/ML Injection [HepaGam B]"
            "code" : "1658163",
            "display" : "1 ML hepatitis B immune globulin 220 UNT/ML Injection"
            "code" : "1658165",
            "display" : "1 ML hepatitis B immune globulin 220 UNT/ML Injection [Hyperhep B]"
            "code" : "1658174",
            "display" : "5 ML hepatitis B immune globulin 220 UNT/ML Injection"
            "code" : "1658175",
            "display" : "5 ML hepatitis B immune globulin 220 UNT/ML Injection [Hyperhep B]"
            "code" : "1658423",
            "display" : "5 ML hepatitis B immune globulin 312 UNT/ML Injection [HepaGam B]"
            "code" : "412675",
            "display" : "hepatitis B immune globulin 50 UNT/ML Injectable Solution"
            "code" : "415110",
            "display" : "hepatitis B immune globulin 217 UNT/ML Injectable Solution"
            "code" : "825157",
            "display" : "0.5 ML hepatitis B immune globulin 220 UNT/ML Prefilled Syringe"
            "code" : "825159",
            "display" : "0.5 ML hepatitis B immune globulin 220 UNT/ML Prefilled Syringe [Hyperhep B]"
            "code" : "825160",
            "display" : "1 ML hepatitis B immune globulin 220 UNT/ML Prefilled Syringe"
            "code" : "825161",
            "display" : "1 ML hepatitis B immune globulin 220 UNT/ML Prefilled Syringe [Hyperhep B]"
  "expansion" : {
    "identifier" : "urn:uuid:4ec1109e-9403-474e-b6dc-d325ada1e5ea",
    "timestamp" : "2024-12-10T07:07:59-05:00",
    "total" : 15,
    "contains" : [
        "system" : "http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm",
        "version" : "11042024",
        "code" : "1658125",
        "display" : "5 ML hepatitis B immune globulin 312 UNT/ML Injection"
        "system" : "http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm",
        "version" : "11042024",
        "code" : "1658127",
        "display" : "5 ML hepatitis B immune globulin 312 UNT/ML Injection [Nabi-HB]"
        "system" : "http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm",
        "version" : "11042024",
        "code" : "1658147",
        "display" : "1 ML hepatitis B immune globulin 312 UNT/ML Injection"
        "system" : "http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm",
        "version" : "11042024",
        "code" : "1658148",
        "display" : "1 ML hepatitis B immune globulin 312 UNT/ML Injection [Nabi-HB]"
        "system" : "http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm",
        "version" : "11042024",
        "code" : "1658159",
        "display" : "1 ML hepatitis B immune globulin 312 UNT/ML Injection [HepaGam B]"
        "system" : "http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm",
        "version" : "11042024",
        "code" : "1658163",
        "display" : "1 ML hepatitis B immune globulin 220 UNT/ML Injection"
        "system" : "http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm",
        "version" : "11042024",
        "code" : "1658165",
        "display" : "1 ML hepatitis B immune globulin 220 UNT/ML Injection [Hyperhep B]"
        "system" : "http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm",
        "version" : "11042024",
        "code" : "1658174",
        "display" : "5 ML hepatitis B immune globulin 220 UNT/ML Injection"
        "system" : "http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm",
        "version" : "11042024",
        "code" : "1658175",
        "display" : "5 ML hepatitis B immune globulin 220 UNT/ML Injection [Hyperhep B]"
        "system" : "http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm",
        "version" : "11042024",
        "code" : "1658423",
        "display" : "5 ML hepatitis B immune globulin 312 UNT/ML Injection [HepaGam B]"
        "system" : "http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm",
        "version" : "11042024",
        "code" : "412675",
        "display" : "hepatitis B immune globulin 50 UNT/ML Injectable Solution"
        "system" : "http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm",
        "version" : "11042024",
        "code" : "825157",
        "display" : "0.5 ML hepatitis B immune globulin 220 UNT/ML Prefilled Syringe"
        "system" : "http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm",
        "version" : "11042024",
        "code" : "825159",
        "display" : "0.5 ML hepatitis B immune globulin 220 UNT/ML Prefilled Syringe [Hyperhep B]"
        "system" : "http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm",
        "version" : "11042024",
        "code" : "825160",
        "display" : "1 ML hepatitis B immune globulin 220 UNT/ML Prefilled Syringe"
        "system" : "http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/rxnorm",
        "version" : "11042024",
        "code" : "825161",
        "display" : "1 ML hepatitis B immune globulin 220 UNT/ML Prefilled Syringe [Hyperhep B]"
  "text" : {

XIG built as of ??metadata-date??. Found ??metadata-resources?? resources in ??metadata-packages?? packages.